Engaging with the Delhi Metro: A Pithy Guide.

As I have divulged previously on this blog, the hazardous levels of air pollution in Delhi are a matter of grave concern and depression to me. To try to do my bit towards helping reduce emissions contributing to the pollution, I have been taking the metro to work as frequently as possible, and trying not to use my women's exemption to the Odd Even Policy as far as I can help it.

So here is a Buzzfeed style definitive guide on things to do during a journey on the Delhi Metro.

1. Jostle. Because at Rajiv Chowk station, what choice do you have?

2. Read. If space permits, or if you're not uncomfortable reading while standing.

3. Listen. To music, audiobooks or educational podcasts.

4. Eavesdrop. Your co-passengers may provide amusement or insight.

5. Observe. Quirky things that exist on each station, waiting to be found. Have you noticed the cute yellow and blue footsteps' breadcrumb trail on the floor of Rajiv Chowk station? They manage what Hansel and Gretel could not.

6. Entertain. Yourself or others. I do this by observing the wide array of shoes worn by passengers in the ladies' compartment, and wondering what they say about each of their personalities. On other occasions, I entertain myself by fuelling this epic hashtag.

7. Appreciate. When you catch the last empty seat in the compartment.

8. Marvel. Because who knew Delhi was capable of queuing up to enter trains?

9. Introspect. In this crowd of strangers, you may find the most solitude you're going to get the entire day.

10. Improve. Your fitness. Every step counts - to, from, and within the metro stations.


  1. It is really a 10 things you do in metro like scoopwhoop, you can be thier guest columnists :p
    I have done almost everything you have written minus the activities which require internet.
    I have conclusively established that it is impossible to use phone for browsing in metro.
    So when I observe people I try to guess thier profession or try to guess thier end-station and many things like this where I can do deductions(for God's sake please watch Sherlock)

  2. But how do you get validation for your deductions? Do you approach them and ask them to confirm your findings? :) Most of these activities don't require the internet, barring one - tweeting about #AlternativeMetroStationNames!

  3. When I was new to the metro, I made the mistake of unleashing the above in bits, and in person, till, one day the wife said, "Are they paying you for this?"

  4. Haha! I totally empathize with the enthusiasm. Our metro is a marvel. I can't wait to see it in its expanded form and full glory.


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